Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hot Fudge Sundae Sauce

I love to bake and I asked my 5-year-old grandson what he wanted for dessert when coming for dinner. Thinking I could do anything he requested he cream........vanilla. So much for having to come up with a stellar dessert. Anyway, not to be deterred I pulled out a recipe I've had in my files forever for this hot fudge sauce. I did go 'all out' for my grandson in buying Gold Rim Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream (a Texas tradition). Still, no sauce for him. A real purist it would seem. I think the others enjoyed the sauce.


2 cups powdered sugar
1 stick butter
1-1/2 cups evaporated milk (I used half and half)
6 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 teaspoon vanilla

Combine ingredients in a sauce pan. Bring to a slow boil and cook for 8 minutes. This stays well in a mini-crockpot for warming.


  1. Blue Bell ice cream! What I miss from Texas. Your grandson sounds like my husband - go into an ice cream shop like Baskin-Robbins. There are 31 flavors to choose from and he wants vanilla. HA!
    The sauce sounds yummy.

  2. This reminds me of when I was a kid, but I will always be a caramel and butterscotch sundae fan.

  3. Hot fudge is the reason they created ice cream. YUM.

  4. Ohhh he sounds so cute! I can't believe he's five! I like his thinking... regular old vanilla ice cream can be so good. I do love hot fudge sauce though.

  5. I have been looking forever for a great hot fudge sauce. I'm going to bookmark this. Thanks, Angie!


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