Friday, May 1, 2009

First Place

Well, I did it - I took first prize for my entry. I was really surprised. I won a really nice basket full of all kinds of kitchen things. We had a nice picnic. The weather was really warm and muggy, but we were under some nice trees with a bit of a breeze. I worked the 'fruit table' and filled bowls with melon, strawberries, bananas and grapes. I didn't think the line would ever end! I think my eyes are sunburned! It was really nice to win though. Our company also gave us Coleman lanterns and a $50 WalMart gift card for the upcoming hurricane season. Thank you Gulf Coast Center.


  1. Oh, how very nice indeed! Congratulations!

  2. Thank you, Katy, it was a nice surprise.

  3. YAYYY! You won! Congrats! That's awesome. I bet the bread was delicious.

    That's a really nice prize... all kinds of goodies.

  4. Congrats on your win!

    Thanks for visiting the Pond during Marie's feature day. She's so fabulous, don't you think? So inspirational! I'm delighted to meet a friend of hers! I hope you come back to the Pond, and I'll pop in here!

  5. I knew it! Those INGREDIENTS were to die for. I'm sure the bread was wonderful, too.

    And you get a picnic and gifts? Seriously? I need your job.

  6. Congrats!! No one can bake like you!! I'm sure it was devoured in seconds. I remember those lines for the winning treats ;-)

  7. Frank, Janet, & Madelyn: Yes, the lines were long and *crazy* like always..........;o)


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