Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Simple Classic

I am almost embarassed to post such a simple recipe, but these have just a little twist that I think makes them special. When traveling to Austin, our State Capitol, there is a little town called LaGrange. It is home of the famous 'Chicken Ranch' made famous in the play/movie The Best Little Whore House in Texas (how proud we are?). Anyway, there is a little bakery called the Bon Ton. It is about half way from my house to Austin, so a nice place to stop for a little break. They make theses HUGE, Texas-Sized Rice Krispie treats but they add pecans to them and it makes them really good. The grandboys came for a swim a few weeks ago and I decided to have an after swim treat for them. Something so simple, yet yummy.


1/4 cup butter
1 bag marshmallows
6 cups crisp rice cereal
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup chopped, toasted pecans

Melt butter and marshmallows together. Add cereal. Add pecans. Stir well. Pour into a well-greased 9 x 13 pan. Cool and cut into squares.


  1. What a hoot! We LOVE Rice Krispie treats. Great idea to add pecans. I will, of course, be doing this, grins.

  2. I also love Rice Krispy Treats! But I've never made them. Took my little on to the pool for the first time on Friday. This would be a great snack for our next trip there!

  3. Thanks, Abby! Hope your little guy liked the water. Youngest grandson is a little fish, he has less fear than his big brother!

  4. Rice Krispie Squares are and always will be my favoutite snack Anj.

  5. Hi Anj! How are you?

    I wish I had one of the rice krispie treats right now. I have never thought about adding pecans to them. That sounds too good!

  6. Hi Emily! I'm doing well. I so enjoyed your last trip to New York. Looking forward to more adventures from your blog! Take care.

  7. Wow Rice cripsies with pecans! Your recipe sounds great. I see rice crispies in Foodista but without mallows and pecans. I gotta try this. If you wont mind I'd love to guide Foodista friends to this post. Just add the foodista widget to the end of this post and it's all set. THey will see a link to your blogs. Thanks!

    By the way, Foodista will be holding an International Food BLogger Conference, have you heard about it?

  8. I'm thinkin' - one could add even more vanilla and then dip these hummers in chocolate!!

  9. OH YUM!!!! Rice Krispie Treats are my favorite! I've heard about adding vanilla but haven't tried it yet and now to hear about nuts -- man I am so sheltered!!!! Can't wait to try these! Thanks for sharing!!!


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