Thursday, December 29, 2011

Banana Pudding

I recently had my son's girlfriend's family over for dinner. This was requested for dessert. I think I have finally found my true recipe for banana pudding with this one.


4 egg yolks
4 Tablespoons cornstarch
2/3 cup granulated sugar
4 cups milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 box Nilla vanilla wafers
3 bananas
Cool Whip or whipping cream for topping.

In a sauce pan mix egg yolks, cornstarch, sugar, milk and vanilla. Mix well with a whisk. Stir constantly for about 10 minutes until mixture starts to thicken. Remove from heat. In a glass bowl start out with vanilla wafers, then bananas, then pudding. Repeat layers. Place in refrigerator for several hours until cooled. Top with Cool Whip or whipped cream and a final layer of vanilla wafers. Even better the next day.

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