Saturday, November 10, 2012

Trip to Kennebunkport, Maine

My cousin and I went to Kennebunkport, Maine this past week. We both had wanted to go to Maine since we were young girls. Hurricane Sandy was hitting just days before we were due to leave so we were wondering if we would get through as we had to change planes in Newark, N.J. Things improved and we were on our way.

We were in Kennebunkport during the 'peaceful season'. We stayed in a cottage at the Maine Stay Inn which was cozy and the 'big house' was lovely. Warm cookies every afternoon. Yum.

I had my first taste of New England Clam Chowder the night we arrived. It was delicious. For lunch the next day my cousin had a bowl of 'Souper Chowder' which included clams, lobster, and scallops. It was great. I tried my first lobster roll. It was not as good as I thought it would be, but the lobster couldn't have been more fresh. Fried clams were also great.

Sightseeing took us to several lighthouses and the Maine coastline is just breathtaking. It turned very cold while we were there (which was a great respite from the hot Texas weather we are still having) so we were happy to experience that. The night before we were due to leave a Nor'easter came through and dumped a few inches of snow. We woke up to a beautiful sight, although a little anxiety about having to drive to the airport. It all turned out well and we were on our way back home to Texas with great memories.

Cottage at Maine Stay Inn

Maine Stay Inn

Beach in York, Maine

Nubble Lighthouse

Portland Head Light, Cape Elizabeth, Maine

Bug Light House, Portland, Maine

Bush Compound, Kennebunkport, Maine

Going home day.  A Nor'easter blew through the night before we left. 


  1. Smiles! You really weren't that far from me; I'm just the next state over in NH. We go to Maine several times a year to visit family there. It IS beautiful. Glad you got to sample and enjoy some of our New England cuisine--it is different than your Tex-Mex isn't it, LOL. I had Maine lobster a couple of months back, and didn't love it as much as I thought I would; I think it all depends on the cook because ordinarily I can't get enough. Your photos are beautiful. I'm looking forward to more lobster and another visit to beautiful Maine.

  2. Hey Katy. I've missed your posts! I enjoyed Maine so very much. Yes, very different from our Tex-Mex but I loved every minute and can't wait to go again. Hope all is well in your world! Thanks for stopping by.


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