Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Purple Majesty and Back from a Very Long Break

It's been a long while since I have posted to this little ole blog.  I haven't made a lot of new things to share anyway but had a big life moment occur which set my kitchen back a bit.

On August 25, 2017 Hurricane Harvey blew into my life dumping over 50 inches of rain in this area. I was very lucky to be able to evacuate to my son and his family's home.  It was several days before I could get back home to find that I had over a foot of water in my home.  I've lived here for over 38 years and gone through several hurricanes without issue, but Harvey was something else.  Tearing everything out of my house and starting over took 82 days and I was able to move back in.  Right now I am still waiting on furniture but the house is back, newer than ever. I am so fortunate to have had a safe and comfortable place to stay and insurance.  There are so many families still not back or even close to starting over.  Such a tragedy.

My birthday also happened the weekend Harvey visited and when I was able to get out and visit my cousin and her husband, I found the most beautiful birthday present waiting for me.  A purple professional Kitchen Aid mixer.  I was overwhelmed with such a gift.  It was a work horse during Christmas cookie baking.

I hope to get back to blogging and hopefully I will have new things to share soon. ♥♥♥

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