Monday, March 11, 2019


A recent pot luck around Valentine's Day made me look for something appropriate.  I landed on this dessert from several recipes I had seen.  Yummy stuff.


1 angel food cake (home made or store bought)
2 pints frozen strawberries with sugar
2 8 oz. packages cream cheese
2 8 oz. tubs of Cool Whip
2 cups powdered sugar

I used 2 loaves of angel food cake in this.  Cut up the cake into cubes.  Thaw out the strawberries.  Whip the softened cream cheese with the sugar.  Put a layer of cake followed by thawed strawberries with juice, follow with a layer of cream cheese, then a layer of Cool Whip.  Repeat for 3 layers ending with Cool Whip on top.  Slice some fresh strawberries on top for garnish.  Refrigerate several hours or overnight.

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