I've been tagged twice now with memes that are generally the same, one by Val at More than Burnt Toast and one by Emiline at Sugar Plum who told me I had no excuses. My biggest excuse is that my life is pretty much an open book and quite boring and there is not much that people don't know about me (well, there was that one time...........). So here is a feeble attempt at completing the meme task.
1. I was born on President Lyndon Baynes Johnson's birthday (not the same year!) He was from Texas (like me)
1. I was born on President Lyndon Baynes Johnson's birthday (not the same year!) He was from Texas (like me)
2. When I was 14 I had my gallbladder removed. At the time I was one of the youngest people to have it done. Oddly, it was on the same day as Lyndon Baynes Johnson had his gallbladder removed.
3. I went to New York City with a friend once and we got a $40.00 ticket for parking in front of Macy's. (The sign said 'no STANDING' -- who knew that meant parking???) In thinking back, I realize why would one be able to just pull up in front of Macy's in Manhattan and park anyway?
4. The first recipe I ever baked on my own was for Texas Sheet Cake. I have to wonder if this same recipe is called Arkansas Sheet Cake or whatever other state a person lives in?
5. And lastly, if you haven't dozed off just yet. Zzzzzzz.....sorry, I dozed off myself. I have upon occasion broken chain letters, so I will end this meme with saying that most all of the blogs in my circle of reading have been tagged, so I will just stop here.
Thanks ladies, for including me. The blog world really puts you in touch with some fascinating people that is for sure.
Thanks so much for deciding to participate Anj. It is always great to learn a little more about or blogging friends :D
Thanks for doing this!
I can't believe that about Macy's in NYC. At least you didn't have to walk very far. I don't think I would attempt to drive in NYC.
That's weird about LBJ. Maybe it means something???
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