At the beginning of the year we began a wellness initiative at work. Each facility is doing their own thing with a wellness coordinator to help us along. We are lucky to have our wellness coordinator be a young lady who has lost 30 pounds recently. She puts out a wellness newsletter each week. We started bringing healthy snacks and fruit in order to stay away from the vending machine. Also, when our schedules allow we have been doing a 7 minute workout in the mornings and afternoons. It doesn't sound like much but it really is quite a focused muscle on muscle toning DVD we do. Once a month we are going to have a pot luck of healthy foods and sit at lunch time and discuss different options of staying healthy. This week was our first pot luck and brought this salad. I also brought a recipe for a pineapple angel food cake that is an old Weight Watchers recipe.
BROCCOLI SALADThere are many, many recipes for this salad with variations being sunflower seeds, raisins, green onions, bacon, and even cheese. In an effort to make it healthy, this is my version.
2 heads broccoli cut into bite-sized pieces
1/4 of a small purple onion sliced thinly
1 cup thawed frozen green peas
1/2 cup sliced almonds
3/4 to 1 cup Craisins
1/2 cup light mayonnaise
1/2 cup Ken's Steakhouse Light Raspberry/Walnut Vinaigrette
Mix broccoli with peas and onions. Blend dressing together. Pour over and mix. Add Craisins and almonds.
I would love this healthy broccoli salad Anj. Wouldn't it be great if all of us had such health conscious initiatives at our work places as well!
Beautiful! And a great combination of flavors.
That's great that your work is encouraging a healthy lifestyle.
It's difficult to eat healthy at my work. We have a bunch of fried foods and fattening rolls. I just eat at home, to avoid it all.
This is one of my favorite salads!
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